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 Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)

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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/28/2008, 8:48 pm

Jill: I'm here with the Master of Disaster, Y2K. Y2K, I know we got of the wrong foot last show but I wanna say, you look a lot calmer now.

Y2K: Well Jill, I over reacted, and I took it out on you, and let my mind get into me by loosing the Maple Leaf Pride Match. Now that the X-Treme Killing Machines just lost Morbid Destruction, we all are a little disappointed. I have disappointed my country, taking my anger on you, and tempted to destroy Jade and NLO. I made a big mistake and it won't happen again. One lose is nothing, but the loosing streak I am currently all sucks. The X-Treme Killing Machines alliance with Dark Union is dead, because the members are split up, so for here on out, it is just me, Travo and bleeding face in this brand.

Jill: Well what do you think about the rivalry between both of the GM's?

Y2K: I think that are brand is much superior than Dante's brand, we got the benefit of the draft. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that Paul "Playboy" Andrew's isn't in this brand, because I want a rematch to prove that I am a true Canadian. Anyways, I hope, no, no, I know that our brand will be a lot better than Dante's brand.

Jill: What do you feel about the Tag Team Titles?

Y2K: Travo and me have been talking about it, and we decided to put our goal for Tag Team Gold aside for a while to train harder to beat both Ultimo Guerrero and Malkyto. Those two are more experienced than us two and we have to train much more to beat them.

Jill: What are you going to do then?

Y2K: Train and become better single fighters. I want to become number one contender for Extreme Fight Championship, and when I win it, I will rename it X-Treme Fight Championship. Bleeding face was going to do that this show, but he lost the title to Jade at the Pay Per View. Travo wants to work with bleeding face and dominate our brand.

Jill: Well good luck and I hope to see you fight Jade one day, cause I know she will win.

Y2K: Ha, thats funny, Jade can't handle the Extreme Fight Championship. Jade is more just looks than fighting, I beleive that I am perfect for the title, since I am an Extreme fighter myself. I won't disagree with you, I am just saying, it will be a good match.

Jill: Well back to you David and Matt.
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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/29/2008, 10:58 pm

damn right we are better wish my role play was better though
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/30/2008, 4:19 am

*The scene opens up inside a packed XFW arena before a light strum of a Fender-Strap Guitar plays on the arena's sound system as the crowd starts to get wild with cheers...*

David Hood "It looks like the house is about to be brought down!"

Matt Scott "Or my heart, I am still saddened about this new competition with Malkyto..."

David "Oh get over it Matt!"

*Suddenly the audio turns up as "Barracuda" (live 1990 version) blares over the audio system before Jade, Kristen, and Teresa come out to massive cheers in the arena. Jade stands in the middle with her custom championship is already remade with the greek letters “Pi Beta Phi” embedded in pink and purple rhinestones, on each side and a picture of a star in the middle with a single 1 carat, pink
princess cut diamond in the middle of the star with the words "XFW Knockout Champion" engraved in the center piece. They get in their trademark 2006 FHM Charlie's Angel cover pose before skipping down the ring giving multiple high fives to the fans before Jade slides in the ring, goes ropes puts one foot on the bottom and her other on the 2nd rope as she sticks out her tongue & throws up the
rockstar symbol as pink & purple pyro goes off showing the "pi beta phi" greek symbols behind her before taking a microphone from Erica."

Jade "It is good to see that you are much better Erica! And it feels great to be in this arena on this night your current champion! :She waits for the crowd to die down from cheers before speaking: Now I see that Y2K still has not gotten the message that he will not get a title shot unless he proves himself, but I figure, what better way to prove yourself than fighting the current champion? You beat me, you can take Bleeding Face's spot for his rematch, but if you lose, that rematch is also gone out of the window. :She takes the microphone from her lips for a little before bringing it back up: Oh yes, and Y2K, if you actually do accept this match, it will be a match of my choice which will only be named after your decision! I await your response right here :outlines an invisible line with her suede boot: I will be right here!"

*She then brings the microphone away and puts it on her right side inbetween the belt and her body before waiting for a response...*
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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/30/2008, 7:17 pm

*Fire blast out of the Triton with Coming Undone by KoRn playing. Y2K shows up at the triton with a microphone in his hand*

Y2K: Jade, a challenge isn't a challenge unless you know what match you will be in, you talk with The Sentinel about it, I will do any match that you name, and I will win. I have been wrestling since I was 10 years old, and I have been dominate since then, and if I have to hurt a girl, I will have to, to become the Extreme Fight Champion. And, if I had to choose what kind of match it would be, it would be a Last Man Standing Match, so I could win without being submitted like bleeding face did at Stable Warfare. So keep that in mind, cause only the best can win, and I am the best.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/30/2008, 9:33 pm

*Jade is still standing in the ring listening to Y2K's counteroffer before she begins to speak...*

Jade "Well Y2K, it seems that I am in a predicament. You want a match to better help you, and I would like one that would help me. I make no guarantee's that you will not Tap out to the Sorority Girl, but in an effort to have the most unbiased match type possible I propose three :she shows the number 3 with her hand and spins around so the whole arena sees: types of matches. The First Match, A Last Person Standing match! :The crowd starts to go cheer: The Second Match, An I Quit match :The crowd starts to cheer louder:, or a Third Possible match since you are the self-proclaimed Extremist in the federation :She shifts the title around her waist making sure Y2K is watching: An...Ambulance match! :The crowd inside of the arena starts to hit deafening decibels with their cheering: We know what the crowd wants, but I would also like to see what the other Wrestlers on both X-Force Wrestling and X-Force Aggression would like to see, so, :she starts sounding like a promotion lady: If you go to your nearest GM and give a vote, we can tally them up and make a show that EVERYBODY will want to see so it's unbiased!!!! And as a side note Y2K, since you have such a problem with a Sorority Girl holding this title :points to the belt around her waist: If you lose, you will wear one of these two outfits :points to Kristen who is holding up a Sunflower dress, and then to Teresa who is holding up A pair of Daisy Duke jean shorts, and a red halter top: For an entire week since I am giving your match a spot in the voting system on what our future match should be!!!!!"

David Hood ":his mouth is wide open before he starts to speak: How emasculating!!! I hope Y2K doesn't accept those terms, it's just not right, not right at all!"

Matt Scott "It would be if Jade was wearing those outfits!"

David "And it's a wonder she hasn't slapped you yet."

Matt "Because she can't hear what I am saying until after the taping, and then there is always editing!"

*The scene cuts to a commercial break as the entire arena is still going wild*

(((If this pans out I will probably make a poll in the Spam section of the board and link it through here, just kinda trying to get people involved since it's what I do lol)))
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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty6/30/2008, 11:41 pm

*Y2K listens to Jade while shaking his head*

Y2K: Jade, If I'm not mistaking,winner gets the title, looser gets a humiliation, so what will your humiliation be? First, if I wanted to be nice, I could just let you misery of loosing you title be bad enough, but instead, I am going to make you, give a little show for the X-Treme Killing Machines, and all the X-Treme fans around the world!

*Crowd starts cheering louder than ever*

Y2K: Or Jade, put all bets off and make it you and me, for the Extreme Fight Championship!!!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 2:38 am

*Jade looks at the crowd and gives a bewildered "Are you Serious?" type look before putting her left hand on her hip, and raising the microphone to her lips with her right*

Jade "You just don't get it do you Y2K? This match is me being awesome for all the fans here, and being fair to everyone :points to the entranceway behind him: in the back. I am sure there is a general consensus in the back that you should not even be fighting me for this title since you have yet to get contendership. If I am putting something up, why shouldn't you lose something if you lose? If you win, you get a title shot, if you lose, a simple slap on the wrist should not suffice. I am putting up number one contendership status up if I lose, but what should I get in return if I win? Nothing? You must be mistaken since I am not a blonde, I am infact a brunette! Sooooo once again, let me break it down for you, actually, if you guys in the back controlling the titantron could visually show him what I am referring to, it would help more!"

:A breakdown of what Jade's proposal was shows up on the screen as follows:

If Jade wins: Humiliation
If Jade loses: Y2K gets Bleeding Face's #1 contendership and a title match with rematch clause

If Y2K wins: Bleeding Face's #1 contendership & Title Match with rematch clause
If Y2K loses: Humiliation

Jade "That is so awesome guys, thanks for putting that on the screen. Now as you can see Y2K it's is a pretty even proposal that I have given you. One prize, One Consequence; One :holds up her index finger: Answer. Or you can go in the back; destroy some more property, and I go along on my way and give Bleeding Face his rematch with no interference from you; since I will think of something to prevent you from trying to attack the Sorority Girl in the back like you do all your other opponents before you face them hoping to soften them up! It is your choice, and a very simple one, you can either choose to sign or not sign, but I am sure that if anybody was offered an instant #1 contendership match, they would want that deal, but there is always that first person! I again await your decision."

*A quiet finally falls over the arena as everybody awaits Y2K's answer....*
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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 12:27 pm

Y2K: Jade, you just don't get it, I won't loose! So you can make any humiliation you want, it won't matter, becauce I will be, The Number One Contender!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 4:56 pm

*Jade nods her head before raising the microphone back to her lips*

Jade "Then it's settled, now all we need is the match type to settle it once and for all!"

*"Barracuda" then blares over the sound system before Jade gets on each turnbuckle one at a time throwing up the rockstar symbol and sticking out her tongue as the crowd goes wild. She does all four before sliding out of the ring and starts to walk up the rampway where Y2K is with Kristen and Teresa behind her. She stands right in front of Y2K coming up eye level to his chest before looking up as camera flashes all around the arena can be seen*

David Hood "That right there is one brave woman. Standing toe to toe with The Master of Disaster himself!"

Matt Scott "And that's why I love her!"

David "Yeah, you and the other hundreds of thousands tuning into the show because this is what XFW is all about!"

*Jade then takes a giant step back before reflecting the light of the entranceway off her belt towards Y2K before going to the left side of the center ramp and throwing up the rockstar symbol to the screaming fans and doing the same to the right side before heading to the back*

((And the following link is to the poll provided by yours truely lol))

Voting Poll for the match
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 5:00 pm

(Looks like Sentinel is going to have his hand full with this one. The segment is so long it could go on throughout the whole show. You guys are going back and forth, you can save some for the other show ya know. J/K, keep up the good work.)
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 8:02 pm

Looking good, when it comes time, it's going to be great.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty7/1/2008, 9:44 pm

((LoL, I have no idea what happened and how it got so long, maybe a break up part segment on one show part segment on another show with say a replay segment at the end of one of the shows so the climax still stays through the next show.))
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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)   Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show) Empty

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Y2K first individual interview (next X-Force Wrestling show)
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